So, so much for posting more now that we've officially moved aboard Unwritten Timeline. Lisa and I have been super busy. I knew we had a lot to accomplish, but I just didn't realize how much time it would take.
We went home to drop of the final little bit of our belongings to our long term storage location. We visited with family and even cut that trip a little short. We hurried back to our single bedroom apartment to pack up for the last time. We were set to check out of the apartment on Friday but the entire office was sick. It felt like a skit from "My Cousin Vinny". Since we couldn't check out I drove Lisa, Sophia, and Bastet to the boat and drove back to the apartment the next day to check out. Just a quick 9 hours on the road because everyone was sick.
After getting Lisa settled I attended my retirement luncheon with the guys from work. It's tradition to receive a going away plaque or some other memorabilia when you retire. Since I'm doing something a little different and don't really have space to hang plaques the guys gave me a SEAC 75 Sling Speargun. Unfortunately I haven't been able to kill anything with this yet but I'll be sure to give a lot of use while we travel around.
After a too short lunch I jumped in the truck and started a long drive South. I needed to drop off my truck in Stuart so it we can use it while we're in school. Since I was going to Florida I decided to stop by St. Brendan's Isle to pick up our mail. We have an account there so we can still receive mail while we're out sailing around. After picking up my mail that contained a signed copy of "In The Company of Heroes", another great retirement gift, I drove to my friend Brads house. As luck would have it Brad and I flew together for a few years in the Army. He just happens to live about 15 minutes from Chapman School of Seamanship. It worked out perfectly. We toured the area looking at a few marinas to try and get Unwritten Timeline into. I was only in Florida for a few nights before I had to fly back and meet Lisa on the boat. My friend Greg graciously offered to drive me the 3 hours to the boat. All I had to do was provide a place for him and his family to sleep for the night. It was a no-brainer for me. I've been lucky to have people all over that have been helping me out with all the logistics of getting this going and I can't thank them enough.
The next morning Lisa, Sophia, Bastet and I started our Journey down the ICW. The trip was short lived though as it was just a 3 hour motor down the ICW to Beaufort Marine Center for a haul out and initial refit part 2 begins.
We went home to drop of the final little bit of our belongings to our long term storage location. We visited with family and even cut that trip a little short. We hurried back to our single bedroom apartment to pack up for the last time. We were set to check out of the apartment on Friday but the entire office was sick. It felt like a skit from "My Cousin Vinny". Since we couldn't check out I drove Lisa, Sophia, and Bastet to the boat and drove back to the apartment the next day to check out. Just a quick 9 hours on the road because everyone was sick.
After getting Lisa settled I attended my retirement luncheon with the guys from work. It's tradition to receive a going away plaque or some other memorabilia when you retire. Since I'm doing something a little different and don't really have space to hang plaques the guys gave me a SEAC 75 Sling Speargun. Unfortunately I haven't been able to kill anything with this yet but I'll be sure to give a lot of use while we travel around.
After a too short lunch I jumped in the truck and started a long drive South. I needed to drop off my truck in Stuart so it we can use it while we're in school. Since I was going to Florida I decided to stop by St. Brendan's Isle to pick up our mail. We have an account there so we can still receive mail while we're out sailing around. After picking up my mail that contained a signed copy of "In The Company of Heroes", another great retirement gift, I drove to my friend Brads house. As luck would have it Brad and I flew together for a few years in the Army. He just happens to live about 15 minutes from Chapman School of Seamanship. It worked out perfectly. We toured the area looking at a few marinas to try and get Unwritten Timeline into. I was only in Florida for a few nights before I had to fly back and meet Lisa on the boat. My friend Greg graciously offered to drive me the 3 hours to the boat. All I had to do was provide a place for him and his family to sleep for the night. It was a no-brainer for me. I've been lucky to have people all over that have been helping me out with all the logistics of getting this going and I can't thank them enough.
The next morning Lisa, Sophia, Bastet and I started our Journey down the ICW. The trip was short lived though as it was just a 3 hour motor down the ICW to Beaufort Marine Center for a haul out and initial refit part 2 begins.