Dockage/marina: $843.16
$843.16 Nettles Island Marina
Fuel: $0.00
$0.00 Gasoline
$0.00 Diesel
$0.00 Propane
Maintenance: $414.95
$25.52 Cleats for line locker
$5.78 Fin Roller
$11.56 West System Pumps
$26.98 6oz Fiberglass cloth
$31.46 West Systems Hardener
$65.32 West Systems Resin
$10.25 Fasteners for cleats
$51.31 Sandpaper and Paint Suit
$13.48 Boeshield T9
$22.98 1 QT Pettit Bilge Paint
$16.87 Parts for Nav Station hatch
$68.03 1 Gal Pettit Bilge Paint
$57.64 Fuse and wire for oven exhaust
$7.77 Colloidal Silica for locker
Boat INS: $0.00
Boat Loan: $1,076.13
Groceries/General: $352.01
Other: $0.00
Total: $2,686.25
$843.16 Nettles Island Marina
Fuel: $0.00
$0.00 Gasoline
$0.00 Diesel
$0.00 Propane
Maintenance: $414.95
$25.52 Cleats for line locker
$5.78 Fin Roller
$11.56 West System Pumps
$26.98 6oz Fiberglass cloth
$31.46 West Systems Hardener
$65.32 West Systems Resin
$10.25 Fasteners for cleats
$51.31 Sandpaper and Paint Suit
$13.48 Boeshield T9
$22.98 1 QT Pettit Bilge Paint
$16.87 Parts for Nav Station hatch
$68.03 1 Gal Pettit Bilge Paint
$57.64 Fuse and wire for oven exhaust
$7.77 Colloidal Silica for locker
Boat INS: $0.00
Boat Loan: $1,076.13
Groceries/General: $352.01
Other: $0.00
Total: $2,686.25